Quality Assurance

General Principles

Quality in products and software does not happen by chance. To achieve quality, we must plan for it from the start and continuously monitor it on a daily basis. Discipline is required.

There are three general principles for quality assurance:

Know What You are Doing

You should continuously understand:

This necessitates organization, such as a management structure, reporting policies, regular meetings and reviews, and frequent test runs, among other things. We usually deal with this by following a software process that includes regular milestones, planning, scheduling, reporting, and tracking procedures.

Know What You Should be Doing

Here are some ways to determine what you should be doing:

Know How to Measure the Difference

In the context of software quality, this includes having explicit measures that compare what we do to what we should do.

This can be achieved through complementary methods:

Testing, inspection and metrics account for the majority of software quality assurance.