Forensic Science

Expert Witness Testimony

Types of Witnesses

  1. Eyewitness
  2. Hearsay witness
  3. Character witness
  4. Expert witness

Case File: The Coppolino’s

People: Carl Coppolino, Carmela Coppolino, Mary Gibson, Marjorie Farber, William Farber

The Innocence Project

Wrongful Convictions

Reasons for wrongful convictions:

Osgoode Innocence Project

Forensic Scientists

Forensic scientists help ensure that the guilty receive punishment and the innocent remain free.

The Expert Witness

Establishing Competency

Training as an Expert Witness

The Process in Court

Even if you are deemed to be competent, the significance placed on the expert’s testimony may greatly depends on:

Expert Testimony vs Lay Witness Testimony

The Nature of the Expert Testimony


Question Answer
(T/F) Providing expert testimony is not one of the main functions of a forensic scientist.
The effectiveness of an expert's testimony does not usually depend on the educational background of the expert.
(T/F) The expert witness's courtroom demeanor may play and important role in deciding what weight the court will assign to his or her testimony.
Textbook Chapter(s): 1,3