
Aggregate Functions

Aggregate functions are single values computed from several rows of data. These functions include MAX, MIN, AVG, ROUND and SUM.

Check out the PostgreSQL’s full list of aggregate functions.

Common aggregate functions

Function Description
Max Computes the max of non-null input values.
Min Computes the min of non-null input values.
Avg Computes the average (arithmetic mean) of all the non-null input values.
Round Rounds of all the non-null input values. Round can also specify the amount of decimal places with a second argument.
Sum Computes the sum of the non-null input values.


SELECT <aggregate-function>(<column>) FROM <table>;

Example #1

SELECT MAX(founded) FROM Companies;
The max value in the founded column.

Note: In some cases, an aggregate function can be used within another.
For example: ROUND(AVG(price), 2), rounds the average value of price up to two decimal places.

Example #2

SELECT hq, MIN(founded) FROM Companies 
The hq and min of each hq group
HQ Min
United States 1923
Canada 1984