

PostgreSQL is an object-relational database management system.

SQL (pronounced “sequel”) stands for Structured Query Language. It is a standard way for working with relational databases. Working with a relational database simply means you will be dealing with tables.

Basic Terminology

The table.
Relation name
Name of the table.
Column headers, used in schemas.
Rows of data.
Relational schema
A relation's name, attribute list and attribute types (optional).
The collection of relations or schemas (tables).
Database schema
The set of all relation schemas in the database.


See how some of afforementioned terminology in this table is identified.

Name Type Founded HQ
Walmart Retail 1962 United States
Disney Entertainment 1923 United States
PayPal Finance 1998 United States
Blackberry Technology 1984 Canada
Terminology Example
Relation name Companies
Attributes name, type, founded, hq
Tuples All rows (except attribute row)
Relational schema Companies (name, type, founded, hq)
Relational schema with attributes Companies (name: String, type: string, founded: int, hq: string)

Note that keys should be underlined in relational schemas.